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Australian Packaging Covenant Member

APCO - Bicycles Online

Bicycles Online, now an Australian Packaging Covenant Member.

Looking back its hard to determine the exact point in time. Was it a benchmark in years? or perhaps the number of bikes we had sold, but at some point, we became, well at least by Australian standards, large.
We had come from a small bike rental business and really had no thought that one day we might affect the bicycle industry in Australia, and then it happened – perhaps it was after 5 years, perhaps after we had our 100,000th order, or perhaps selling 30,000+ bikes a year.   
It dawned on us then, that along with that came responsibility. When you think of 30,000+ bikes coming into the country each year, there is also 30,000 corresponding boxes, manuals, staple sets, stickers, tape, foam packaging and protection. If we weren’t considering the environmental impact of these, then who would?
The sustainable nature of cycling, has always appealed to us, its partly what got us into the industry in the first place. So, it seems logical to apply this same thinking to the packaging that comes with the bikes.
We take great care in how the bikes are packaged, how the materials are sourced and also how they can be recycled after transport.
The are few companies that go to as much effort to ensure the packaging is “environmentally friendly” and perhaps its for that reason that we are only one of two companies from the bike industry that have signed up to the Australian Packaging Covenant (there are about 1000 bike related companies in Australia)
The Australian Packaging Covenant is an important organisation that aims to reduce and recycle packaging here in Australia. For more information click below:
Learn More APCO - Bicycles Online
The Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO)  is the principal national instrument to reduce the environmental impacts of consumer packaging. The Covenant aims to ensure 100% of Australia’s packaging will be reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025 or earlier, whilst also seeking to reduce the use of packaging materials.
It’s with some honour that we sit with 950 biggest retail and wholesale businesses in Australia in committing to reducing our waste to meet these targets.
With the improved packaging, together with reducing emissions through cycling, we feel we can have a positive impact in the society we live and work in.